Saturday, November 17, 2007

The California lifestyle

So, I'm watching Casino Royale with my roommate. Can I just say that Daniel Craig is extremely hot.

Now, back to my blog entry. First one! Just recently I have moved to Santa Barbara, California. Sunny weather, beaches, nice's really paradise on Earth, "God's Country" as people say.

There is something about the California lifestyle. Maybe it's something in the water (when it's available), or maybe it's the smog or the fumes from the forest fires. Either way, there's an air about this place, a laid back, beach going, take it as it comes attitude that can be intimidating at first, but is ever endearing and quick to sink into your own psyche until you find yourself less worried about things in life, and more concerned with whether or not high tide or low tide will interfere with your social engagements than anything else of real global concern.

Unless you're watching the Daily Show or reading The Onion. I mean, that's where we all get our news, right?

Oh, by the way...Daniel

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